Its use does not resolve problems
March 15th 2017
When human beings try to resolve their differences by means of force, they can perhaps imagine, for a time, that they have succeeded, but this success will not last. When we impose constraints we always provoke the lower nature in others, the desire to resist, to retaliate, to take revenge. Constraint is felt as violence that always incites hostility, and the result is years and decades of confrontation without ever resolving anything.
The solution is to show kindness, love, and humility. Of course, everything is not resolved right away, because this attitude may at first lead others to believe you are naive and weak, and they may take advantage of this to continue their bad behaviour. But after a while, when they see that your attitude is not dictated by weakness but, on the contrary, by a great spiritual power, they eventually become more open, more conciliatory, and it is then possible for you to get along.