Peace, true
Doesn’t depend on outside conditions
November 9th 2016
So many people believe that by changing their home, job, country, religion, husband or wife, they will at last find peace. A little quiet, some respite, possibly. But in no time, wherever they are, other torments will come to assail them. Why? Because they haven’t understood that peace depends above all on changing their way of thinking, feeling and acting. When they make a few changes, even though they remain in the same place, facing the same difficulties, peace will come to dwell within them.
True peace does not depend on outer conditions, but comes from within, and that is why it is so difficult to obtain. Work on the notions of loving, of doing good, of forgiving and, above all, of spreading harmony, and a time will come when that idea will have such power in you and pervade every one of your cells, so that they will start to vibrate in unison with it. Those who have that peace and are capable of spreading it and making it real and alive become true sons and daughters of God. As Jesus said, ‘ Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God ‘