
Its subtle elements are picked up by thought

July 16th 2016
The whole world gives the subject of food paramount importance. Everyone makes sure they deal with it first; they work for it and even fight over it. But this attitude towards food is still merely a drive, an instinctive tendency that has not yet entered the sphere of enlightened consciousness. Only Initiatic Science teaches us that food, which is prepared in the divine laboratories with inexpressible wisdom, contains elements capable of preserving or restoring not only physical health but also psychic health. For that to happen, you need to study how you can capture these elements and be aware that our thoughts are the most effective means. Using thought, humans can actually draw the subtle particles from their food that will play a part in the building of their whole being and so contribute to their psychic transformation. Beyond the simple fact of feeding themselves to stay alive, they will add other meanings, further knowledge, an awareness of work they have yet to carry out and goals they have yet to achieve.