
Must study the only system that represents the creator, creation and created beings

July 9th 2016
Philosophers so often make up systems that represent only their own view of the world! And too often this view, which is bound to be limited, is a reflection of their spiritual, psychological, intellectual, and even physical, shortcomings. Not to mention those who are always trying to be original and produce new theories. The truth is that there is only one system that explains the universe, one system that represents the Creator, creation and created beings, and philosophers must reflect deeply to try to get back to the foundations of this system. That they would then express the results of their research according to their own temperament and sensitivity – or we might say with their own voice – is only normal. When singers sing their part, they can only do so with their own voice, expressing through it the depths of who they are. But they must respect the score; they are not entitled to sing different notes from those written. In the same way, philosophers are not entitled to sing different words from those written in the great book of life; they are merely entitled to use their own vocal chords.