Laboratory, our inner
Which we can enter and where we can work
June 3rd 2016
Everything that happens to us has meaning and value only if we are resolved to make good use of it. Then, even failure and disgrace can be transformed into precious stones, whereas success and honours will eventually turn against us if we do not know how to use them for the good.
The Creator has given us everything we need to face all situations in life. He has equipped us with a kind of laboratory where we can go and work every day. Liquids, powders, gases and the directions for their use are all there in our inner laboratory. Everyone, even the destitute, even reprobates and criminals possess all the elements necessary for their regeneration. They have accumulated so many obstacles in themselves that it is now very difficult to enter this laboratory, but if they search and make an effort, if they remain confident, salvation is there, within them.