Cosmic ocean
The psychic milieu we are immersed in
May 4th 2016
In Genesis it is said that on the second day, God separated the waters below from the waters above. These waters above, which initiatic science also calls ‘astral light’ or the ‘magic medium’, represent the primordial ocean in which all creatures are immersed and find their nourishment. The liquid environment in which a child is immersed when it is still in their mother’s womb is reminiscent of these primordial waters.
We swim in cosmic immensity, exactly like fish in the sea. If we are not conscious of this, it is because our psychic pores are obstructed by impurities. Purification is therefore the first work to be undertaken in order to open these psychic pores, to free this network of etheric channels which supply our subtle bodies. It is then that we will be fulfilled and vivified by this spiritual water which totally envelops us.