Should also be considered on the astral and mental planes
April 4th 2016
All religions have advocated fasting as a purification exercise. But fasting should not be considered only on the physical plane. If impurities are introduced into the physical body and cause physical disorders, abstaining from food (in moderation, of course) can dispel them. But impurities can be introduced into the astral body and the mental body, in the form of coarse feelings and desires, incorrect thoughts and misjudgements. These thoughts, feelings and desires are dark entities, and because they are living beings, they also want to be fed; which obliges humans to consume the foods they need.
To get rid of these dark entities, you must not give them any more ‘to eat’, that is to say, not only must you stop feeding them with selfish and aggressive thoughts and feelings, but you must also replace them with pure and luminous ones. Deprived of the foods they need, these entities will ‘fast’ and then, fearing starvation, they will leave. This is how you should understand fasting, considering it on the astral and mental planes as well.