Preserving it, as it is the source of all our riches
March 11th 2016
If humans thought of protecting their life, of keeping it in its purest state, their potential for achieving their aspirations would be so much greater! For it is the illumined, enlightened life that is the source of all riches. Unfortunately, very few people know this truth. Through what most people call ‘living’, they scatter and fritter away their energies, and when they find themselves completely exhausted, with no enthusiasm or energy left to undertake anything, they fail to understand, and they complain. They should rather recognize that they were wrong and decide to behave more intelligently in the future.
If you need knowledge, the only true knowledge consists in being able to keep your life pure and radiant. Know that the very quality of your thoughts and feelings affects your energy reserves and the very essence of your being. And so the best way to preserve and enrich your life is to place it in the service of heaven.