Is all that counts, not the results
January 6th 2016
Whatever we undertake, on a material or spiritual level, it is only the effort we make that counts. Heaven never takes into account success, but only effort. It is heaven that decides on success, for everything we do is part of the greater picture and must therefore serve God’s plans and fit in with them, and it may be that our plans are just not meant to be carried out as we would like. Efforts alone are ours, success is for others to decide.
So let the higher beings decide when your efforts will be crowned with success. Whatever happens, you must tell yourself, ‘For the time being, it is true, my work is not bringing many visible, tangible results, but in fact I know that it is already bearing fruit.’ Even if you do not see the results, they are always there in hearts and souls. Nothing stands still or stagnates.