Life and death

Choices we are continually making in the spiritual realm

October 11th 2015
For human beings, the words ‘life’ and ‘death’ spontaneously evoke the life and death of the physical body, when these notions are really only very limited aspects of the two states. While everyone knows what life and death are on the physical level, they are not very clear about them in the psychic realms: they don’t know when they themselves are dead and when they are alive. In the psychic and spiritual realms, we become more and more alive when we let go of the lower expressions of life. Otherwise, what we call life is in reality death. Obviously, whether we do good or bad, we can say that we are still alive. But you could also say that we are continually dying: if we do not die to foolishness, we die to wisdom; if we do not die to hate, we die to love. Call them what you will, life and death go hand in hand: throughout our life, all we have are choices between life and death, between a form of life and a form of death. And what some people call death, others call life.