Law of correspondences
Shines light on our destiny
September 12th 2015
Nothing that happens to humans occurs by chance. Through their thoughts and feelings, they come into contact with entities, currents and elements in space that correspond to these thoughts and feelings, and they end up attracting them. This is how health and illness, strength and weakness, intelligence and blindness, beauty and ugliness, and so on, can be explained. All possibilities are therefore open to them, providing they know that there is a law of correspondences and that they respect it in every act of their daily life.
If you encounter great difficulties in this life, it is because, in the past, out of ignorance, you attracted unhealthy, faulty elements. Now that you know the real cause of everything that is happening in your life, make the decision to work on your thoughts and feelings: in that way you will connect with the purest and most light-filled entities and regions of the universe, and you will receive from them all the qualities you need to rebuild yourself.