Master, spiritual
Does not expect his disciples to glorify him but to follow his example
September 9th 2015
So many believers – Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. – are content to glorify the founder of their religion – Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. – and proclaim wherever they go how superior he is to the others! But Moses is Moses, Jesus is Jesus, Muhammad is Muhammad… And what are the believers? Often, ignorant, lazy people who do nothing to imitate them. And so many disciples of a Master behave with him in this way! They say, ‘Ah, our Master is unique!’ They place his photo everywhere and would even go as far as fighting to maintain that their Master is the best, the greatest and the most powerful. But they do not think of accepting his philosophy and imitating how he behaves – no, a Master is there to be glorified, not to be imitated!
Well, know that a Master is not at all happy to have disciples such as these, because he does not need to be glorified. He prefers his disciples to take his ideas seriously and make up their mind to put them into practice. That would be much better for them… and for him too.