
An energy circulating everywhere in the universe

August 16th 2015
Love is one of the areas where people feel most impoverished and destitute. So many men and women complain of being deprived of love! But why? In reality, they are immersed in it, for love circulates everywhere in the universe: it is a cosmic energy of extraordinary abundance and diversity, and it is up to them to harness this abundance. There are plants that do not need to bury their roots in the soil in order to live; they draw water and food from the atmosphere, because they have a different structure from other plants. Well, like these plants, humans have spiritual centres capable of drawing love from the atmosphere and from the sun. But they do not know this, which is a pity, for they do not develop these centres and remain poor and unhappy. So they should study the life and thought of the initiates and great Masters, who have worked to awaken these higher centres – the chakras – in themselves. They will see how it is possible to draw on the energy of love found everywhere in nature. Then they too will live in plenitude.