Light and love
Truly belong to us only when we identify with them
May 14th 2015
On the physical, material plane, the things that belong to you can sometimes be taken away. But on the psychic plane you can only lose what does not truly belong to you, in other words, what is still not a part of you. It is impossible for you to lose what you truly possess. Someone may say, ‘I had light, and now I have lost it’, or again, ‘I loved, but love has left me.’ It means that neither the light nor the love ever really belonged to this person. Those who have a deep longing for light and love must themselves become light and love.
Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world.’ He did not say that the light was in him or with him, but that he was the light. He identified with the light. There is a whole science to ponder in this phrase.