
Never abandon it on any pretext

April 29th 2015
You have a spiritual ideal, but you see and feel that you are not able to live up to it – it is too difficult. Of course it’s difficult, but that is no reason to give up. If your search is sincere, whatever difficulties you have and however often you fail along the way, you must never abandon it for something easier. If you have to relax your efforts at some point, at least do not lose sight of the right direction. Don’t let feelings of tiredness or weakness, which will soon pass, be an excuse for a change of direction. You can be forgiven for feeling tired, and if you are tired you may rest, but without leaving the path you are walking on. If you need to rest, it is not necessary for you to take another route. There is nothing more dangerous than abandoning an ideal on the pretext that you are not always able to live up to it.