A remedy: being open to the whole world from early in the morning
April 18th 2015
When you wake up in the morning, begin by smiling at the whole world. Greet all of creation in a friendly way – ‘Good morning, good morning, good morning…’ If you get into the habit of doing this, you will soon notice that, even when you are alone, at no point during the day will you feel lonely, because ‘Good morning, good morning, good morning…’ will be echoed back to you from all sides.
Every morning, you should think about reconnecting with the world. When people go out, why are they all shrivelled up inside? They see and hear others on their way, but instead of looking at them they ignore them. So of course it doesn’t occur to them that the whole world is populated with God’s creatures, who deserve to be sent at least a friendly thought and wished good things – light, peace, joy, and so on. Is it so difficult for them to open up, to smile, to make the first move? They wait for others to do it, and meanwhile they complain of being lonely. If they changed their attitude, they would never feel lonely again.