Living it intensely; never accept inertia
March 29th 2015
From the mineral kingdom to the human kingdom and beyond, through the angelic hierarchies and ending with God, life manifests in ever-increasing intensity and subtlety. What differentiates creatures one from another is the intensity of the vibrations that animate the particles of their being. This is why we can say that their stage of evolution is measured by the intensity of their life. Until humans understand this truth, their rate of life is slow: their lungs, liver, heart, brain and everything in them is stagnant, and they are at constant risk of physical and psychic troubles. They are like slow-moving wheels – the mud comes and sticks to them.
Whatever state and condition you find yourself in, you must never accept inertia. Even if you are exhausted, disabled or ill, try at least to make some movement, to take one step. And if that is really not possible, you can visualize yourself moving and acting exactly as you used to. You will say that when you are unable to move, thinking is not much help. You are wrong: by working with your thoughts and imagination you clear a path and plough a furrow, creating favourable conditions for a possible return to activity.