
Kept alive by distance

October 20th 2014
A man and woman who love each other seek instinctively to get closer to each other, which is natural. And yet, if they analysed what happens at that moment with respect to subtle emanations, they would understand that this coming together is not so conducive to their love. Why? Because the space that separates two beings, the space that they think is empty, is in fact filled with subtle essences that are the best conductors of their psychic energies. If they are willing to maintain some distance, they will feel more and more alive, strengthened by the energy currents passing between them. Love is not the meeting of two bodies but the merging of two quintessences, and distance gives the best conditions for true communication to continue to develop between their souls. And if one day these two people decide to live together, they should even then keep a certain distance between them to avoid falling into the mundane familiarity typical of a couple’s day-to-day life if they are not careful. It is often this carelessness that causes them to lose their love. So it is good for each person in a couple to keep something secret and mysterious for the other, in order to sustain their interest and curiosity. It is this mystery that protects and nurtures the attraction they feel for each other.