
Pointless putting on artificial expressions

May 13th 2011
When those in responsible positions of all kinds, like politicians or company directors, have to appear in public, they do their best to present an open, relaxed, even smiling, face. They know they should make out that everything is fine, that life is beautiful! But often there is something artificial about such an attitude which a lot of people do not find reassuring; quite the opposite – the public feel they are not genuine and even get the impression they are being made fun of. The expression on our face, our gaze, our smile, are ways in which each of us conveys aliveness. But this must come from within; it cannot be fabricated. Nothing can replace spiritual work, the work you do on yourself to bring about this aliveness, which brings others reassurance, peace and encouragement. Everything then happens naturally. How could the inner light not find the best way of expressing itself?