A method for restoring inner harmony
July 17th 2014
Knowing how to breathe is very helpful for inner harmony and balance, but there are a few rules you need to know. First, in general, it’s best not to breathe through the mouth, but only through the nose. Next, breathe in very slowly and keep the air in your lungs for as long as possible. The outbreath can be rapid and strong. And if, for example, you feel ill at ease, as if invaded by dark presences, do this exercise: breathe in slowly, then expel the air in one go, imagining at the same time that you are also expelling the presences that are troubling you.
And when you feel you are finally free of these intruders, breathe in while at the same time summoning benevolent presences to come into you. Imagine your heart filling with golden light and becoming a sun with rays streaming from it. How could the angelic spirits not feel attracted by such an abode?