
Frightens only those who refuse to improve themselves

July 4th 2014
It would appear that the devils and darkness of hell do not frighten people much, whereas the light fills them with the greatest fear. And in a way, this is totally understandable: deep down they feel they still need to indulge their instincts and passions, so they flee the light, as it would show them that the life they are leading is a mediocre, sometimes even criminal, one. They do not want to give up any of their bad habits and cannot bear anything that shows them they actually are bad ones. When people do not want to make any effort to improve, they close their eyes, block their ears and persuade themselves they are fine as they are. All those who fear the light of spiritual science do not really know why, but they instinctively sense it is a threat to what they believe is their happiness. Only those who have the sincere desire to learn and progress seek this light, which will show them everything they have to improve in themselves and how to improve it.