A source within us that we must protect
June 20th 2014
Question a few people at random; ask them if they value life. They will all probably say yes. So why do they squander it, racing around trying to acquire things that aren’t as important as life itself? If they gave a thought first to the source that’s within them, if they tried to protect it and keep it in the greatest purity and light, they would have endless new possibilities for realizing their greatest desires.
Since they have received life, humans believe they can use it as the fancy takes them. Well, they can’t! When they have spent years satisfying their lusts, their ambitions, they find one day that they are exhausted and indifferent. And if they then try to weigh up what they have gained and what they have lost, they will see they have lost an enormous amount for very little gain. Is that intelligent? So, instead of chasing after useless and even harmful things, do your best to keep your life pure, harmonious and luminous. When you have learned how to make it subtler, more intense, you will be able to contact currents and entities in space that will constantly come to support and inspire you.