Family (starting a)
Reasons for taking on or not taking on this responsibility
June 11th 2014
Some people decide, either out of laziness or selfishness, to live alone and without children. Starting a family involves such worries, hard work and sacrifices! They want to be free to make the most of life and do what they like. These are very bad reasons, which will have more serious consequences for them than the ones they wish to avoid. They will not have the family worries that mothers and fathers have, it’s true, but their pursuit of an easy life and their selfishness will generate other difficulties and torments for them.
Human beings do not come to earth to satisfy their wishes and whims. The decision to remain single and without children is justified only if you want to remain free to devote yourself to greater, more collective tasks; otherwise, it is better for your evolution to start a family, because by taking on responsibilities and endeavouring to do something for others rather than just for yourself you expand your field of consciousness.