
That humans must make with one another, and why

April 6th 2014
Tell yourself that all human beings are your brothers and sisters, and if you learn to accept them, with their weaknesses, their shortcomings and the difficulties they create for you, you will attract the benevolence and support of heavenly beings. Never be like those people who turn away from others on the pretext that they are inferior. Such ignorant people do not know that when they do this they are transgressing the law of exchange and that, as a consequence, the divine world will refuse to make exchanges with them. It is up to each one of us to find out how to establish true contact with others. May scientists be happy to give their knowledge and the wise to give their light, and may those who receive them be delighted to have been taught and enlightened! May the strong be happy to support the weak and the rich to help the poor, and may the weak and the poor be grateful to feel they have been helped! All those who refuse to allow their wealth to circulate, in whatever sphere, are like stagnant water. They will never discover the meaning of life, for life can only be found in free circulation and exchanges.