Only lasts if you view the other person at a slight distance
March 28th 2014
Hold the image of a flowing spring in your soul with great care, so that you never allow the source of life to run dry in you. And to make the source of life flow you have to love. Of course, like most people you will say you do love. Yes, but what kind of love is it? Often it is the kind that makes you suffer. Someone who knows the true art of loving is constantly inspired – they live in poetry and beauty, because they have learned how to love all human creatures. But they love them at a slight distance; they know that if they go too close they will be disappointed, and as they do not want to be disappointed they keep a certain distance. Then they do not lose their inspiration, whether or not these creatures show kindness, generosity and loyalty.
So many men and women complain of having been deceived, wronged, by those they loved! But it is their own fault; they wanted to get too close, and obviously what they discovered wasn’t great: cellars full of mildew and spiders’ webs, swamps, brambles, thorns… They were bound to be disappointed. Do you want to continue to love people and find them wonderful? When you have to mix with them, try viewing them at a slight distance.