Patience, self-awareness and humility
Are necessary for acquiring mastery of the psychic life
March 12th 2014
It is useless, even dangerous, to commit to the spiritual way as long as you have not understood just how tough the lower nature is, how hard it is to tame and how much vigilance, perseverance, humility and self-denial you need to work on it. Far too many people imagine that the moment they find a spiritual teaching they will make rapid progress: they will read a few books, do a few concentration and meditation exercises, and they’ll soon get results. Unfortunately, that’s not how it is: mastery of the psychic life is so much more difficult than people think! It’s true that every human being has the capacity to be renewed and regenerated and to become divine, but it is a very slow process, and what someone can achieve in this lifetime depends on the work already begun in previous incarnations.
It is impossible for those who are unaware of the difficulties they are inevitably going to encounter to make progress. So they will be disappointed, and they will suffer and make others suffer too. Commitment to the spiritual way demands self-awareness, patience and humility.