When we seek it sincerely we meet those who will lead us to it
January 22nd 2014
Some people recognize that they need guidance but wonder whether they’ll come across charlatans, crooks and unbalanced people trying to pass themselves off as spiritual Masters. It is true that you can meet such individuals, but if you are afraid of being led astray and abused by a living guide, you can always turn to those who have already left the earth. The works of all the initiates and great Masters of humanity are at your disposal – the library shelves are full of them – and they all teach the same truths in different ways. So, read these works, and find how you can be inspired by them.
No one will reproach you for not travelling the world in search of a living Master. But nothing will justify your stagnating in mediocrity and error, on the pretext that you have never met anyone capable of guiding you. When you truly aspire to the light and to truth, you find them. Heaven has never allowed anyone to go astray who is sincerely looking to progress.