Law of life

Everything that is born must eventually die

December 12th 2013
Just as all creatures are born, grow up, become old and then must make way for others, so too nations, countries and peoples do the same. They give what they have to give, and then they die out, as if they are resting so that one day they can reawaken and offer new riches. We have seen this with all civilizations, and it is also the destiny of religions. A new religion appears in the world; it expands rapidly, extends its influence little by little, reaches a high point and then becomes fixed, ossified, and loses the great keys of life. Even the mysteries, even the temples of ancient Egypt, which had knowledge and power – what is left of them now? Where are the hierophants? Where is the knowledge? It has all been subjected to the immovable laws of life, for what is born must die and give way to something else. Only that which has no beginning has no end. Every religion, every philosophy, every science is in some way a form, and no form endures; after a while it must move aside to make way for another. But the principle, the Spirit, is eternal, and it is this that keeps incarnating in new forms.