Following on from the previous volume, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov focuses here on the two kinds of love that exist: interested and disinterested. When we say "I love" do we ask questions about the nature of this love? The author explains to us that selfless love does not expect anything from... Add to my wishlist Love and Sexuality (2) (eBook) Price €14.99
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov explains to us that solar energy is condensed in the food we eat. He then shows us how to extract this energy and send it to all the centers within us which will ensure its distribution. And this is only possible through the work of conscious thought because it alone,... Add to my wishlist Hrani Yoga - The alchemical and magical meaning of... Price €14.99
"Know thyself..." All the science of the mind, spirituality, is condensed in this formula. What do we know about us today? Our physical body, of course, the first strata of our psyche, but what a long way to go to discover and study the multiple centers, organs or devices thanks to which man... Add to my wishlist Know Thyself: Jnana Yoga (1) (eBook) Price €14.99
"Know thyself..." All the science of the mind, spirituality, is condensed in this formula. What do we know about us today? Our physical body, of course, the first strata of our psyche, but what a long way to go to discover and study the multiple centers, organs or devices thanks to which man... Add to my wishlist Know Thyself: Jnana Yoga (2) (eBook) Price €14.99
Many books deal with the advent of the Age of Aquarius: what is it really? Will it happen? What difference will it make with our present time? Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov highlights its main characteristics: knowledge, wisdom and universalism. In this first volume, he approaches this new era from a... Reference Add to my wishlist A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of... Price €14.99
In this second volume, the author describes and explains the advent of this new era from an initiatory angle: what is evolution, its necessity in the running of the universe, the need for new principles and the renewal of forms, the true teaching of Christ: its impact in this age to come and the... Reference Add to my wishlist A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of... Price €14.99
Parents and teachers have every material means at their disposal for the proper education of children, but they still lack the means of regenerating humanity. This is what the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood brings us. Digital book available in 3 formats: Add to my wishlist On the Art of Teaching, from the Initiatic Point of View... Price €14.99
Try to change your mental habits, to adopt a broader point of view; try to become more aware of being part of the cosmos, of being linked to the whole universe; try to see that this means that the things you do as well as the way you do them must change. Digital book available in 3 formats:... Add to my wishlist Life and Work in an Initiatic School - Training for the... Price €14.99
The Sephirotic Tree , the Cabbalah Tree of Life is a system that accounts for the origin and structure of the universe. There is a system of explanation of the world which is of a mystical nature and the study of which can prove to be complex and arduous. As always, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov... Reference Add to my wishlist The Fruits of the Tree of Life - The Cabbalistic... Price €14.99