De l'importance d’élargir notre conscience. Par-delà toutes formes de croyances ou de religions, l’apprentissage le plus important pour chaque être humain est l’élargissement de la conscience. Cela consiste à sortir de notre petit moi personnel et limité pour entrer dans l’immense communauté... Add to my wishlist En esprit et en vérité (eBook) Price €6.49
The symbol of the Libra is universal and used, among other things, to represent justice. But above all, it is a powerful subject for meditation and reflection, for it is by balancing this Libra within us that we will achieve a greater understanding of ourselves, of life and of the whole of... Reference Add to my wishlist Cosmic Balance - The Secret of Polarity (eBook) Price €6.49
As early as 1937, the author had predicted that in the future, humanity would no longer use wood, coal or oil to produce energy, but that it would use only the sun's rays. In the future, he said, "it is thanks to the sun's energy that we will light up, heat ourselves, travel.... We will even... Add to my wishlist Toward a Solar Civilization (eBook) Price €6.49
A true Spiritual Master is not only a being who knows the essential truths, who possesses control, domination and self-mastery. He is above all a being who, in his multiple past incarnations, had to make the same experiences, the same mistakes, overcome the same obstacles as us before becoming... Add to my wishlist What is a Spiritual Master? (eBook) Price €6.49
In the history of mankind, it is very difficult to find periods in which there has been no war and despite the fact that it cannot be denied that they desire peace. Yet there is no other way than to begin to establish peace within us: to monitor and appease our actions, thoughts and feelings.... Reference Add to my wishlist The Egregor of the Dove or the Reign of Peace (eBook) Price €6.49
Evolution has placed human beings on the frontiers of the animal world and the higher world, considered divine. This situation is thus at the origin of the ambiguity of our nature, double, at the same time lower and higher. Complementary as spirit and matter are, these two natures should help us... Add to my wishlist Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine (eBook) Price €6.49
The five senses, despite all their finesse, remain locked within the boundaries of the material world. They explore the visible, touch the tangible, but never go beyond the limits of the physical plane. To access broader perceptions, to awaken new sensations, it is necessary to solicit more... Reference Add to my wishlist Man's Subtle Bodies and Centres - The Aura, the Solar... Price €6.49
Of all languages, silence is that of perfection because it is the expression of our spirit that prompts us to review our life, to reflect on it and to learn from it. All this work of detachment, simplification and synthesis leads us to the true understanding of things, which is the essential... Add to my wishlist The Path of Silence (eBook) Price €6.49
Through his knowledge of the four sciences (Kabbalah, astrology, alchemy and magic) as well as the Tarot, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov gives us an interpretation of some passages of this founding text and offers us an extremely clear overview and logic. Add to my wishlist The Book of Revelation: a Commentary (eBook) Price €6.49
In this book, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov clearly explains to us what faith is, how to nurture it and how to use it to develop ourselves. This is neither a belief nor an irrational feeling because it is based on the experiences that we have had during our past incarnations, and which are inscribed... Add to my wishlist The Faith that Moves Mountains (eBook) Price €6.49
While it is right and healthy to have faith and defend it, trying to impose it on others is a form of fanaticism. In order to avoid such a situation one must never separate faith from love. If it is very difficult to know what love is, we can see its manifestations such as tolerance, gentleness,... Add to my wishlist Love Greater Than Faith (eBook) Price €6.49
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov has often said that by studying the Gospels, he travelled through the spiritual regions that also resided in him, thus gaining access to a kind of cosmic "library", the "great book of Nature". Here again, commenting on certain parables, he enlightens us on the many... Add to my wishlist The Philosopher's stone in the Gospels and in Alchemy... Price €6.49