It is to respond to the need for methods that is really felt in spiritual practice that a certain number of simple and effective exercises have been brought together in this volume that Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov indicated during his lectures. Reference Add to my wishlist A New Earth - Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers Price €23.50
Addressing a subject that is both delicate and of great importance for humanity, the author explains to us here how to differentiate love from sexuality knowing that one is never without the other. Sexuality is a purely egocentric tendency that pushes us to seek only our pleasure, sometimes or... Add to my wishlist Love and Sexuality (1) Price €23.50
Following on from the previous volume, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov focuses here on the two kinds of love that exist: interested and disinterested. When we say "I love" do we ask questions about the nature of this love? The author explains to us that selfless love does not expect anything from... Add to my wishlist Love and Sexuality (2) Price €23.50
The Sephirotic Tree , the Cabbalah Tree of Life is a system that accounts for the origin and structure of the universe. There is a system of explanation of the world which is of a mystical nature and the study of which can prove to be complex and arduous. As always, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov... Reference Add to my wishlist The Fruits of the Tree of Life - The Cabbalistic Tradition Price €23.50
In the history of mankind, it is very difficult to find periods in which there has been no war and despite the fact that it cannot be denied that they desire peace. Yet there is no other way than to begin to establish peace within us: to monitor and appease our actions, thoughts and feelings.... Reference Add to my wishlist The Egregor of the Dove or the Reign of Peace Price €9.80
Freedom is the privilege of the spirit: when it rules in us then we can claim to be free. For this we must learn to reestablish the true hierarchy within us and become king of ourselves. It is through the light of our mind that our feelings, thoughts, instincts and desires are then obeyed. Add to my wishlist Freedom, the Spirit Triumphant Price €9.80
Evolution has placed human beings on the frontiers of the animal world and the higher world, considered divine. This situation is thus at the origin of the ambiguity of our nature, double, at the same time lower and higher. Complementary as spirit and matter are, these two natures should help us... Add to my wishlist Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine Price €9.80
Do the stars have an influence on our lives? The author explains that when we are born we enter the zodiac and at that moment a kind of "photographic" snapshot is taken. But, as the author points out, "even more interesting is to see in astrology a system of symbols that allows us to understand... Reference Add to my wishlist The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe Price €9.80
Our physical body is the expression of a form of perfection. Faced with ills or even illness, he is able to heal himself without any external intervention. On one condition: that we intensify the life within us in the greatest harmony. This book helps us considerably to change the way we think... Reference Add to my wishlist Harmony and Health Price €9.80
Of all languages, silence is that of perfection because it is the expression of our spirit that prompts us to review our life, to reflect on it and to learn from it. All this work of detachment, simplification and synthesis leads us to the true understanding of things, which is the essential... Add to my wishlist The Path of Silence Price €9.80
Today new currents, which the author associates with the Age of Aquarius, are beginning to pour into the world, marking the end of a cycle of which we are more or less aware. At a crossroads, young people are already carrying a new world, a new relationship to time and to this form of... Reference Add to my wishlist Youth: Creators of the Future Price €9.80
Beyond any form of belief or religion, the most important learning for every human being is the expansion of consciousness. It consists of coming out of our small, personal and limited self to enter the immense universal community of beings through a fusion between divine consciousness and human... Add to my wishlist 'In Spirit and in Truth' Price €9.80