Circle, triangle, pentagram, pyramid, cross, etc. Each geometric figure is like a structure from which the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the human being) are organized. Add to my wishlist The Symbolic Language of Geometrical Figures Price €9.80
No matter what type of diet you are on, the most important thing is to know how to eat mindfully. The inner state in which we absorb food and the interest we take in our actions during meals are then reflected on us. Discover how to draw subtle energies from nutrition that will allow us to... Reference Add to my wishlist The Yoga of Nutrition Price €9.80
This book is a real how-to manual to help us overcome our limited and self-centered viewpoints to broaden our awareness to the community. And not only human but also all the kingdoms that share this planet with us and far beyond. It is not about giving up our own development but making it useful... Add to my wishlist A Philosophy of Universality Price €9.80
The five senses, despite all their finesse, remain locked within the boundaries of the material world. They explore the visible, touch the tangible, but never go beyond the limits of the physical plane. To access broader perceptions, to awaken new sensations, it is necessary to solicit more... Reference Add to my wishlist Man's Subtle Bodies and Centres - The Aura, the Solar... Price €9.80
True alchemy in no way proceeds from formulas and other more or less hermetic magic practices. It is a work of the mind on matter, our matter, an inner transmutation that takes place through the union of wisdom and love. For this we must discover all the resources that are in us and of which we... Add to my wishlist True Alchemy or the Quest for Perfection Price €9.80
We often use the image of the scale to express not only the idea of intermediary between the bottom and the top, but also that of hierarchy: social scale, scale of values, scale of colors, etc. Likewise there is an angelic hierarchy which makes the link between man and God, is symbolized by... Reference Add to my wishlist Angels and other Mysteries of The Tree of Life Price €9.80
While it is right and healthy to have faith and defend it, trying to impose it on others is a form of fanaticism. In order to avoid such a situation one must never separate faith from love. If it is very difficult to know what love is, we can see its manifestations such as tolerance, gentleness,... Add to my wishlist Love Greater Than Faith Price €9.80
One of the most important faculties is to rejoice, not to possess. Joy is in our higher nature and pain is in our lower nature. So if we want to taste real, eternal joy, we must seek to live in soul and in spirit. They alone have the power to project us into infinite space for the higher nature... Add to my wishlist The Wellsprings of Eternal Joy Price €9.80
Spirituality teaches us how to “come home”, our original homeland, the source of all creation and provides us with the means to do so. The journey is long, and those who embark on it can go through times of discouragement. This book explains how to keep moving forward, to avoid obstacles, to get... Reference Add to my wishlist ‘Walk While You Have the Light’ Price €9.80
With descriptions and commentaries in the light of the Teaching of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov by Muriel Urech . Meanings and descriptions (with diagrams) of the dance movements of the paneurhythmy. Paneurhythmy - 1st movement 'Awakening' Add to my wishlist Peter Deunov’s Paneurhythmy - Dance movements and musical... Price €20.00